How Filter Glass Works
Effective filtration of contaminants is essential for clean and clear pool water. This is even more important for Ecosmarte pool system. Chlorine in chlorine or saltwater pools actually kills bacteria and algae by exploding the cells. The ECOsmarte pool system kills the same organisms but does not explode them. As a result, an ECOsmarte pool depends on excellent filtration.
The filter glass is made from 100% post-consumer recycled glass. It is crushed, dried, sterilized at 250 degrees Fahrenheit and screened into various sized fractions for optimum filtration.
The filter glass consists of differently sized fractions of angular but highly spherical particles. This creates a more open and permeable packing than sand grains. Because glass is amorphous and has no grain boundaries it has more resistance to breakdown during back wash cycles and less cracks for bacteria to lodge and resist flushing during backwash. Glass particles also carry a slight negative charge. This weak charge has two advantages: fine particles not only tend to hold on to the glass during filtration but also more easily release during backwash.
The filter glass is packaged as a Glass Pack which is combination of glass with a smaller amount of filter-grade pea gravel to prevent leaking of filter glass from tank. Glass pack requires an appropriately sized sand filter tank with a multiport valve for backwash. The pool owner or installer removes the tank cover and exposes the vertical pipe. The old sand is removed with a wet vacuum. The piping is checked for correct fit and defects. The laterals are covered with pea gravel and the remainder is filled with fine glass media. The filter is backwashed until clear or put into service immediately.