The Bottled Water Spa System

Oxidation and Ionization

The best alternative to bromine or chlorine.

Eliminate the use of chlorine and other hazardous chemicals. Our chemical free spa systems are not only better for your health, but they are environmentally friendly and cost only pennies a day to run. You will save money, and the environment.

Click Here to See More Benefits of Ecosmarte Spa Systems

Our Spa System utilizes ionization plus oxygen to kill bacteria, algae, and sanitize your pool water. It is more effective then chlorine, and is completely natural. Prevents Mold buildup on covers and wooden hot tubs. Wooden tubs grow fungus with bromine.

Learn More About How it Works

Our Spa System is more effective then any other spa treatment out there. It is easier to use then chlorine, safer then ozone, and more effective then bromine and salt water systems. Ideal for wooden hot tubs.

Click Here to Compare Ecosmarte to Other Spa Treatment

Pool Systems
Pool Systems
Pool Systems
Pool Systems

100% Chlorine Free

"This is a brief note to ECOsmarte to let them and all their current and potential customers know, what a wonderful product their water purification system is. We purchased our spa and purification system in June of 2000 and I must admit, were quite skeptical of the whole “chlorine-free” claim. Well after 3 years of usage we are no longer skeptical. We are advocates of the system and offer up our story to anyone who we know to be considering purchasing a spa or pool system. We love the simplicity of the maintenance and obviously adore the fact that we are not subjecting ourselves, our family or guests to toxic chemicals.

Thank you and best regards."

Mary and Larry Cecchini - St. Paul, MN