Commercial Pool Configurations
REDUCE Chloramine and Chlorine Use
Commercial Pools Configuration
- 10,000 gallon to 750,000 gallon (50M) Commercial Pools
- Datasheet Glass Media Filtration
- FAQ Commercial Pools
- Testimonials Commercial Pools
- Compatible with All Strategies Except Salt
85,000 Gallon Commercial Pool
150 Person Bather Load
• 2 Programmable Pool Systems
- With Carbon Dioxide pH Control
- A 6 watt DC voltage controller that energizes only when water is flowing by communicating to the ECOsmarte Anode Chamber, shifting between oxygen and ionization as needed daily or weekly.
• 4 ECOsmarte Copper/Oxygen Anode Chambers
- One pair of self sacrificing copper plates to generate low level .4ppm to .7ppm copper to travel in the water killing bacteria and algae.
- One pair of titanium/platinum anodes to generate O2 oxygen. The oxygen eliminates uric acid, oils and other organics.
• 2 CO2 Injection Valves
- Automates pH control and eliminates 90% of acid use (50lb cylinder or low pressure holding tanks).
• Glasspack® Filter Media
- 1,200 - 2,400 pounds (or existing silica sand)
• Recommended Equipment:
TWO Pentair TR 140 Sand Filters (Minimum)
- 2" High Rate Backwash Valve
TWO Pentair IntelliFlo Pumps (Minimum)
- 3 Horse Power, Variable Speeds
- 6 Days Per Week Support - 612-866-1200
- 7 Days Per Week Online Support
- 3 Year Warranty Non-Pro Rated
- Copper & Titanium Bar Replacement
Copper Every Year - $175 per set
Titanium Every 3rd Year - $399 per set

10 Meter (133,500 Gallon) Commercial Pool
350 Person Bather Load - $24,750 Plus Media
Compare at twice or three times the cost!
• 4 Programmable Pool Systems
- With Carbon Dioxide pH Control
- A 6 watt DC voltage controller that energizes only when water is flowing by communicating to the ECOsmarte Anode Chamber, shifting between oxygen and ionization as needed daily or weekly.
• 8 ECOsmarte Copper/Oxygen Anode Chambers
- One pair of self sacrificing copper plates to generate low level .4ppm to .7ppm copper to travel in the water killing bacteria and algae.
- One pair of titanium/platinum anodes to generate O2 oxygen. The oxygen eliminates uric acid, oils and other organics.
• 4 CO2 Injection Valves
- Automates pH control and eliminates 90% of acid use (50lb cylinder or low pressure holding tanks).
• Glasspack® Filter Media
- 6,000 - 12,000 pounds (or existing silica sand)
- 6 Days Per Week Support - 612-866-1200
- 7 Days Per Week Online Support
- 3 Year Warranty Non-Pro Rated
- Copper & Titanium Bar Replacement
Copper Every Year - $175 per set
Titanium Every 3rd Year - $399 per set
50 Meter (750,000 Gallon) Commercial Pool
750 Person Bather Load & Moderate Olympic Load
• 6 Programmable Pool Systems
- With Carbon Dioxide pH Control
- A 6 watt DC voltage controller that energizes only when water is flowing by communicating to the ECOsmarte Anode Chamber, shifting between oxygen and ionization as needed daily or weekly.
• 12 ECOsmarte Copper/Oxygen Anode Chambers
- One pair of self sacrificing copper plates to generate low level .4ppm to .7ppm copper to travel in the water killing bacteria and algae.
- One pair of titanium/platinum anodes to generate O2 oxygen. The oxygen eliminates uric acid, oils and other organics.
• 6 CO2 Injection Valves
- Automates pH control and eliminates 90% of acid use (50lb cylinder or low pressure holding tanks).
• Glasspack® Filter Media
- 20,000 pounds (or existing silica sand)
- 6 Days Per Week Support - 612-866-1200
- 7 Days Per Week Online Support
- 3 Year Warranty Non-Pro Rated
- Copper & Titanium Bar Replacement
Copper Every Year - $175 per set
Titanium Every 3rd Year - $399 per set
Data Sheets
Glass at a Glance
Characteristic | Glass | Zeolite | Sand |
Environmentally Sound | • |
Long Lasting (3x longer) | • |
Ionically Charged (Traps small particles) |
• |
Removes twice the Iron and Manganese |
• |
Self-sterilizing | • |
Reduced chemical use | • |
Less likely to block or channel | • |
Requires salt bath | • |
Requires more chemicals | • |
• |
Class II Carcinogen | • |
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Harmful to breathe | • |
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Surface houses bacteria | • |
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Strip mined: depletes our environment |
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Requires more water for backwash |
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• |
Glasspack® Technical Data
Specific Gravity: 2.50 | Porosity: Typically 48% |
Bulk Density: 75 lbs/cu.ft. | Shape: Angular to sub-angular |
Effective Size: Ranges from 0.30 to 1.10mm | Permeability: Typically 4.0 X 10-1 cm/sec |
Coefficient of Uniformity: Ranges from 1.45 to 1.80 | Physical Composition: Amorphour Soda-lime glass |
Estimated Sphericity: Approximately 0.40 | NO BACKWASH 400 Pool Builders used Glasspack® in 2015 AT STARTUP |
Recycled, Machined like Sugar & Sterilized
Glasspack backwashes 1/4 as much as quartz silica sand while delivering 2 to 5 micron filtration.
FAQ - Why ECOsmarte with liquid chlorine in a commercial pool?
Q: What’s the point of ECOsmarte in a commercial pool if chlorine is regulated and required?
A: The true issue of using chlorine in a pool as the sole sanitizer is the formation and presence of chloramines, a chemical that forms from the reaction of free chlorine atoms and organic matter. It is this chemical that causes eyes to become irritated, and for the pool to give off the chlorine smell. Using liquid chlorine in a commercial pool with ECOsmarte does not allow these chloramine molecules to form.
Q: Why do chloramine molecules form in chlorine pools but not in commercial ECOsmarte pools?
A: There are 3 key reasons why ECOsmarte prevents chloramine formation. The most important reason the constant oxidation your pool receives while sanitized by ECOsmarte. ECOsmarte’s active oxidation raises the dissolved oxygen levels and eliminates ammonia and chloramine. This does not occur in chlorine pools as chlorine is the oxidizer, and so no excess oxygen is present to prevent the formation of chloramine. The second reason why chloramine does not form in commercial ECOsmarte pools is the significantly smaller quantity of liquid chlorine needed as the copper is also taking part of the sanitizing work. The third and last reason why chloramine does not form is because in neutral pH environments, NH4+ forms instead of NH3, and cannot react further, preventing the formation of chloramine. Formation of Chloramine: OCl- + NH3 -> NH2Cl + OH
Q: Can I use solid chlorine instead of liquid chlorine in my commercial ECOsmarte pool?
A: No, the use of solid chlorine will also require the use of a stabilizer known as cyanuric acid, a conditioner that is used to prevent the loss of chlorine from UV rays and heat. However, as liquid chlorine can avoid the need for cyanuric acid, it is recommended to simply use liquid chlorine. Cyanuric acid’s cost can build up over time, and if too much is added then the sanitation power of the chlorine is lost. Ecosmarte has success in reducing chlorine levels by 50 to 80% with the ionic copper and dissolved oxygen.
Q: Won’t the copper when used with chlorine stain the pool?
A: No more than chlorine alone. We will eliminate the brown and bleach staining that is common with chlorinated pools. Many ECOsmarte indoor commercial pools will no longer require sand blasting the walls to eliminate chlorine compounds.
Q: What is the maintenance cost of an ECOsmarte commercial pool?
A: Three main components must be replaced over time. Copper plates must be replaced sometime between three months and one year at a cost of $179. Titanium –platinum plates must be replaced between one and three years at a cost of $499. CO2 injection solenoid must be replaced between one and three years at a cost of $110.
ECOsmarte Commercial Pool Testimonials
Aragon, Spain: European Union Training Pool - General County Council of Aragon / 50 Meter
"We would like to express you our great satisfaction for results we had got after installation of the ECOsmarte System in our Olympic pool on November 2000. That had influence in a drastic reduction of chemicals (We consumed more than 66 gal. Sodium Hipoclorite a day and only 6 gal. now) and additionally an exceptional water quality, what merit us, congratulations from Water Polo National Team (World Champion Team, nowadays) that opened this sportive installation and different teams participating in past King Cup Championship celebrated in our pool, because they considered the system free swimmers from inconvenient atmosphere created by chloramine-charged water, getting a reduction of tiredness and a higher sport productivity of each player. All of them considered that our pool is a model of treatment water and its conditions are excellent, breathing very well, and no irritation has to be suffered."
"With ECOsmarte we can state now, we have got higher physic-chemical, bacteriological and organoleptical water quality."
Antonio Cesar Ronchel
Executive Chief Sportive Park, Ebro River
May, 2002
UPDATE: 2014 Site Replaces Cells, Controllers Still Performing - Starfish Aqua
Highland Park, New York 2011 - 335,000 Gallons / 25 Meter
"Our water has never looked so clear or gotten so many compliments from our 300 to 400 daily swimmers. We are running 1.0 FREE chlorine, 4ppm copper and the Glasspack®."
Bob Watts
Binghamton, NY •
(See Hyatt Regency Merida - Yucatan, Mexico - Testimonial 2014-2015)